I'm looking to build an OS image lite without chrome and all the other apps, without the bottom Linux bar, the unit will be only running one app that I developed and I want to include it in the OS and the app auto start just after boot. Is there any tutorial for this ?
Looking at the vivid bsp release on github, I can download and build an OS, but it's containing both buildroot and yocto which confused me. why there is both of them, while I think they both do the same think?
We will not provide tutorial or technical support on such specific use case. I can however give some advices on how to do it.
What you need is basically an OS with a full-screen application automatically run on boot. This can be done without building the entire OS: the default OS can be customized to exactly that. The default OS uses XFCE 4 as the desktop enviroment, you may search how to hide its taskbar. Actually you don't even have to do that: if you make your applicatiopn full-screen and disable the three sense buttons on the right, there is no way to bring the desktop to top without connecting a keyboard and using system hotkeys. You may search how to make application full-screen, and how to make it automatically run on boot.
If you want to distribute your modified system, you may pack your whole customized system as a disk image, which can be used as the rootfs image when building the system.