Hey @admin 🙂
I just wanted to pick the topic of a "high reliability mode" back up, as I wasn't able to implement a really elegant solution on how to wake up if the system is not woken up by the RTC so far. My use case are systems, where the schedule is updated remotely, so an invalid schedule file could potentially "brick" the system (or other issues such as the capacitor problem, where a start was triggered, but not executed due to power issues).
My newest idea would be a counter that gets increased with every time the watchdog wakes up the MCU. If the raspberry pi starts up (e.g. by the RTC), the counter gets reset. If it doesn't start, the raspberry pi gets started by the MCU after the counter gets big enough (e.g. after 24 hours). This way, this functionality could be added with very low additional complexity and little additional memory usage. You can see an example implementation here: https://github.com/Eagleshot/Witty-Pi-4/commit/abd4251dcd72fd82910d1910d0f52735935744e0
Could this be a feature, that could be implemented in the official firmware or can you give me feedback, if this makes any sense to you? 😀
Another question I have is that while trying to compile the firmware to test this modification, I couldn't find the TinyWireS library in the Arduino library manager. Do I have to install it manually from this link ( https://github.com/nadavmatalon/TinyWireS) or is there another location to install it?
Thank you very much for your help!😀
@admin Thank you and if Bit 7 is zero it would be once every 10 hours approx ?