Hi does anyone knows where to get the libs for zero2go omini sketch?
#include <core_timers.h> // ATtiny_Timeinterrupt.h?
#include <analogComp.h> // ?
#include <avr/sleep.h> //DeepSleepScheduler by Pete maybe?
#include <WireS.h> // Wire.h or AceWire by Brian T Park maybe?
#include <EEPROM.h> //this seems o.k. part of standard arduino libs
The most important library is ATtinyCore, which provides "core_timers.h" and "sleep.h":
ATtinyCore (V1.3.2): https://github.com/SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore
Back then we used version 1.3.2, however you may probably use the latest version (testings will be needed of course).
The WireS library was needed because the older version of ATtinyCore doesn't include one:
WireS (V1.0.0): https://github.com/orangkucing/WireS
If you use the latest ATtinyCore, most probably you don't need WireS library anymore.
The "analogComp.h" is from the analogComp library: