I would like to move the wittyPi log files to a different directory so I can have log2RAM keep just the log files in zRAM without all the other files in ~/wittypi. This other directory could be /var/log like other log files as far as I am concerned.
I haven't found a setting for this and I already tried symbolic and hard links without success.
You may change the log file location here:
I didn't try but I think file link should also work. I couldn't imagine why it doesn't.
Thanks for the reply. I am not very familiar with links. My attempts to bring the wittyPi.log under control of log2RAM in zRAM probably added extra complexity at boot time. WittyPi stuff apparently not getting logged anywhere.
In the end I realized that there's not normally much being written to the wittypi log, at least not often and in my case, so there is actually not much point in pursuing this just to keep writing to the SD card low.