I am having an issue using a Zero2Go Omini with a RPi Zero 2W. For some reason, the Omini is not retaining the "Default State" setting after power loss, so I can not use it to boot the RPi Zero 2W after power loss without having to push the power button on the Omini. I have tried setting the "Default State" using the zero2go.sh script as well as using i2cwrite directly. Looking at the firmware, it appears that this setting should be saved/loaded to EEPROM. The Omini seems to be functioning properly otherwise.
Are there any further troubleshooting steps I can perform?
This setting is indeed saved to EEPROM. There are other configurations (such as low-voltage threshold, recovery voltage, LED blinking interval etc.), and they are all saved in EEPROM. Do those configurations retain after power loss?