I have had several units of the LIWWW that have stopped working.
In the logs this is the error:
[2024-04-27 10:34:16] I2C read 0x01 0x08 61 failed (result=), and no more retry!
The result of:
sudo i2cdetect -y 1
gives:(see attached)
Any ideas why this keeps happening please?
@andrew-simpson17 It says its standard discharge rate is 0.5C/1.1A and didn't mention the max discharge rate, it seems not good enough. I am kind of surprised that a 18650 has such a low discharge C rate, the one in ThePiHut has max discharge current 20A, which is 8C.
Last one I will put to you. Only asking as this is pre-wired:
From the picture you cannot see which way the plug is wired, but seeing 'modellbau' on the same page raises red flags all over. In my experience in that branch the polarity of the connector used is reversed from what is common in Raspberry Pi land. It is stupid and yet oh so common for sellers not to give clear information about the polarity used in the connector. Unfortunately.
In my experience you can change the polarity of the connector without cutting wires and soldering, if you're careful not to destroy the tiny connector parts, but it requires skill and there's also the danger of a short caused by the tools used.