Bit of a weird problem here, my pi 4 has started shutting down with a low voltage error. I have reset the low voltage information in the wittypi menu, and manually set it to disabled, however my pi 4 is still shutting down with a low voltage issue. The only way I can get it to boot is to remove the witty pi, reboot, disable the witty pi service, then reconnect the wittypi and boot. I then reset all the voltage menu options, but it is still shutting down with a low voltage error. Is there any thing else I can do? If I disable the witty pi service will scheduled start up and shutdown still work?
We indeed haven't received a report of similar issue on full-sized Witty Pi 4. I think maybe due to the fact that big Wity Pi 4 has better PCB layout and it has stronger anti-interference ability.
for the sake of testing, where would I need to put the capacitor on the full size one? I don't have any capacitors at home, but I will order some and report back 🙂
@msage you may try adding extra protection to the RST pin, as shown in the attached picture. Pull RST to 3.3V with an external resistor and add a filter capacitor between RST and GND.
Looks like the issue is the same as this one https://www.uugear.com/forums/technial-support-discussion/witty-pi-4-fails-to-boot-after-packages-upgrade-raspberry-pi-os-64bits-bookworm/#post-668
Turns out this thread is a bit of a red herring. It's the update to the kernel (and removal of the RPI.GPIO) that's caused the issue, the other thread has a fix for this.