I am building a low power, low duty cycle & mobile app on a rasp P 4 with the Witty PI 4. I paired this with A SIM7020X NB IoT hat. Whilst this works most of the time, the SIM7020 script does write to the GPIO Pin4 and can power down the PI. Also, it turns out that the SIM7020 is not supported by ModemManager. I wondered if anyone else has a recommendation for a Modem hat that is compatible with the Witty and Modem manager. Failing that I know there are compatible modems with USB interfaces, but that is not an ideal solution in terms of form factor.
Thx Phil
the SIM7020 script does write to the GPIO Pin4 and can power down the PI.
If you can manage to make SIM7020 to work, but can not change SIM7020's behavior of using GPIO-4, you might consider changing the GPIO pin used by Witty Pi 4. The steps are like:
- Cut the copper trace between "Switch" and "GPIO-4" labels on the back.
- Wire "Switch" pad to another GPIO pin.
- Modify the "HALT_PIN" in daemon.sh file to the new GPIO pin number.
@admin The main issue with the SIM7020 is the Modem Manager doesn't support it. So short of writing a plugin for it, I am looking for an alternative that will work out the box with the ModemManager