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[Solved / Archived] zero2go and raspbian bookworm

6 Posts
2 Users
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Is there an upgrade available of the zero2go for use under raspberrypi OS bookworm (32/64)?

If not yet, what is the outlook?

Are the errors (I2C read 0x01 0x29 3 failed -- etc) in '' related to the OS version?

Or is this an additional issue?

Posted : 15/07/2024 10:57 pm
Posts: 549
Member Admin

I guess you mean Zero2Go Omini Rev2? Because other Zero2Go models have been discontinued for long time.

About 3 months ago, the software for Zero2Go Omini has been upgraded to V1.6, and it can work with Raspberry Pi OS bookworm (32/64).


The issue you mentioned should have nothing to do with OS version. It says it could not read the I2C register with given address and index. Most probably it was due to connection, maybe SDA and/or SCL pins are not well connected.

Posted : 16/07/2024 10:42 am
Posts: 6
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Zero2Go Omini Rev2- yes, of course.

I have followed the instructions: wget

The process finished w/o error message.

In the file ~/zero2go/ I see references to /boot/config.txt - which definitely is not adapted to bookworm.

The other error prevents me from diving deeper.

I will need to purchase another RP Zero WH to try.

Posted : 16/07/2024 12:40 pm
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Pls find attached zero2go.log renamed as txt.

Posted : 16/07/2024 12:50 pm
Posts: 549
Member Admin

Posted by: @klny2

In the file ~/zero2go/ I see references to /boot/config.txt - which definitely is not adapted to bookworm.

Those only exist in the one_wire_confliction() function, they need to be updated too, but the one_wire_confliction() function has nothing to do with the issue you mentioned. That function doesn't affect the main functionalities too -  it only tells you if your one-wire configuration is conflicting Zero2Go Omini.


The error messages in your log file only says it can not access the I2C device. 99% of the time this is due to unrelaiable connection.



Posted : 16/07/2024 1:15 pm
Posts: 6
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I have purchased a new ZERO WH and installed following the manual.

Now everything works as expected.

I have to admit that the former Zero's had their header soldered by myself - so apparently I have not worked properly several times.

I apologize and thanks for insisting on the pin connector problem!

Posted : 27/07/2024 2:31 pm
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