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Ferrite Ring for Zero4U (to support RPi Zero W)


(  0.34GBP  /  0.44USD  /  0.63CAD  )

Ferrite ring for Zero4U to support Raspberry Pi Zero W.


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With this ferrite ring, Zero4U (v1.3) can work with Raspberry Zero W without the interference issue. Its parameters are:

  • Outer diameter: 7.6mm ±0.4mm
  • Inner diameter: 3.5mm ± 0.2mm
  • Thickness: 4.7mm ±0.3mm
  • Surface: green insulation varnish

Note: Raspberry Pi Zero W and Zero4U are not included.

This ferrite ring is included in Zero4U’s package since 2017.3.9. If you purchased Zero4U before this date (no matter where you bought it) and you want to have this ferrite ring, you can order it here.

New customers should not order this ferrite ring, as it is included in the Zero4U package already.

Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg
Dimensions 0.76 × 0.76 × 0.47 cm


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