Vivid Unit uses RK3399 SoC, which is a pretty good processor, but is also somewhat known for its high heat generation. RK3399 tends to thermal throttle when performing task that uses CPU/GPU heavily, which limits its ability to reach its full potential.

We just launched “Cooler Panel“, which is an active+passive cooling solution for Vivid Unit. The Aluminum PCB not only acts as a circuit board for driving the mini blower fan, but also works as a huge heatsink for Vivid Unit.


This is how Vivid Unit looks like after mounting this cooler panel on the back:

The diagram below shows how this cooling solution works:

The dedicated software “vcool” will run in the background and keeps monitoring the CPU and GPU temperature, and control the on-board mini blower fan accordingly. You can install the software by simply running:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install vcool

sudo reboot

You may even define your own strategy to drive the fan according to the CPU/GPU temperature, by modifying the /etc/vcool/vcool.stg file.

Retail Price

The retail price for this cooler panel kit is €15.

How to Buy

You can order this cooler panel kit in our e-shop.

Soon you may also be able to order this kit via our resellers/distributors.

More Information

More information about this cooler panel, including how to install the software and assemble the kit, can be found on its product page.